Diploma In Nautical Science (DNS)
- Pass in (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60% and 50% marks in English in 10th or (10+2)
- Fluent in English
- Medically and physically fit
- 6/6 eye vision
- No Visual aids
- No Colour blindness
- Age: 17.5 to 25 years
Course Description:
This is 1 year residential course (Divided into two semesters) approved by Indian Maritime University and Director General of Shipping, Govt. of India. DNS Course is a course leading to B.Sc., Nautical Science after 18 months of sea service and also leading to 2nd Mate Foreign going Certificate of competency awarded by the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India, enabling the cadets to become Navigating officers on board Merchant Naval Ships anywhere in the world.
Certificates Provided:
After successful completion of the training, a Diploma in Nautical Science certificate is awarded by Indian Maritime University (IMU).
Career Flow Chart:
After completion of 12 months Diploma in Nautical Science (Semester 1 & 2 - IMU) along with mandatory STCW courses at academy, approved by D. G. Shipping Govt. of IndiaJoin as Deck Cadet/Junior Officer for 18 months on-board ship training comprising of semester 3, 4 and 5 (With Distance Learning Programme by IMU), Awardedof Advance Diploma in Nautical Science by IMU
[STIPEND: 400$ - 600$]
4 months preparatory Post-sea course, Obtain 2nd Mate Certificate of Competency by Director General of Shipping, Govt. of India, Sail as 3rd / 2ndNavigating Officer on merchant ships
[SALARY: 3500$ - 5500$]
6 months preparatory post sea course, Obtain 1st mate Certificate of Competency, complete 18 months sea service as Navigating Officer/ Chief Officer
[SALARY: 5500$ - 8500$]
Advance Ship Management Course followed by exam, Written & Oral Examination, Obtain Master Certificate of Competency and sail as Master / Captain of the ship
[SALARY: 8500$ - 12000$]
This is career graph salary will be apply only for Students.